Banana Nut Pancakes


Who says pancakes have to be oily things that are full of milk and eggs? These pancakes are mildly sweet and deliciously wholesome, and when you top them with fresh fruit and pineapple cream, it’s almost like having dessert for the whole meal!

Start by putting oats into a dry blender. Whiz it for a few seconds and you’ve got oat flour. Pour it into a mixing bowl and add whole wheat flour (I like white whole wheat flour), salt, baking powder and cinnamon.  Set it all aside, and use the blender for your wet ingredients.

Grab a couple of peeled, ripe bananas – the riper the better, and toss them in the blender with soymilk, lemon juice, and a touch of vanilla.

Pour your banana mixture into your dry ingredients. The result should be a batter thin enough to spread into pancakes but not runny. Throw in a few date pieces and walnuts, and you’re ready for the griddle.

At the table, top your pancakes with fresh summer fruit or a cooked fruit sauce. If you really want to make it special, whip up some pineapple cream to top it off.  We’ll be sending that recipe out next – be sure to sign up for my newsletter so you don’t miss it!

For now, here’s the pancake recipe.

Breakfast Menu - Pancake 1.jpeg


Blend in a blender:
2 cups oats

Combine and set aside:
Blended oats (above)
2 cups whole wheat flour
2 Tbsp. baking powder
1 tsp. cinnamon
¾ tsp. salt

Blend in a blender and add to dry ingredients:
4 cups soymilk
2 ripe bananas
¼ cup lemon juice 

Fold in:
1 cup chopped walnuts
½ cup date pieces

Use 1/3 cup batter for each pancake. Fry on a dry non-stick skillet. Makes 25 pancakes.


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Okay, a little disclaimer. The image above is a stock photo. Your pancakes won't look exactly like that, but they'll taste wonderful and they're good for you too!


Dorothea Sarli